
The 280.000 Teu capacity of Mos in railway container carrying, the container terminal area to meet the requirement of the regional industrialists, and the distance of the junction railway line are all what shows that the sufficient infrastructure in fact exists, and Mos is able to meet the need of containers of our region completely.
In the short term:
The storage needs of our regional industrialists are met in the most modern, reliable and healthy way possible. Also, solutions for the storage needs which is growing day by day, will be provided.
In the Medium Term:
With the additional railway lineinvestments to be provided by TCDD, all container traffic of our region will be able to be managed through the railway.
In the long term:
The railway transportation service, only available for the İzmir Port and Aliağa Port for the moment, will be strengthened with direct Europe services, and with the points of collection and transfer connected to the railway within our Turkey logistics center being activated, the distributions of our regional industrialists will be conducted through railway transfer after being consolidated in our logistics center.
With the environmental transfer principle which is the social consciousness of railway transport, all equipment that work with fuel, will be replaced with electrical equipment. The storage, container and open load transfer operations will be managed with full automation, the regional industrialist will be immediately notified with feedback, the operational speed will be increased and maximum output will be obtained.